Bururalli .Extinct.

The Bururalli are the latest perpetrators in the horrendous string of ecological holocausts that have plagued the Galaxies the last half million years.

As with most perpetrator races, the Bururalli were descended from purely carnivorous ancestors. This in itself put them at more of a risk of violent atavism; violence is more inherent in carnivorous species. Their Patrons the Nahalli claimed that they found the Bururalli as quarrelsome carnivores, and Uplifted them to become perfect Galactic Citizens. There first colony was Garth, a planet newly released from its fallow state. The Bururalli were left to govern their own affairs. In less than 100 years, when a survey ship came to the colony, they found that the entire population had reverted almost into unrecognizable animals. They had given up technology and were killing each other with tooth and claw. They had killed every species of large terrestrial animal, and many of the smaller ones also.

Needless to say, it shook the entire Five Galaxies. War fleets were scrambled and soon the entire Bururalli race was destroyed. Garth has never recovered, and it is doubted that it ever will.