"The Lions"
ref. no.s 97AcF109t, 97AcG136t, 97AcG986s

During the fifteenth aeon (roughly 600 million years ago) the Five Galaxies were in turmoil. Wars were rampant and the Galactic Library was nearly destroyed. After the Galactic chaos had sorted itself out, three races controlled the entire Five Galaxies. This alliance can be translated to "The Lions." Two of these races were the greatest military powers in the entire history of the Five Linked Galaxies. The third were extraordinary tactitions and engineers. They introduced many new and innovative starship designs. Many of which are still in use today.

For 20 million years "The Lions" held power. They practiced uncontrolled breeding and filled the Five Galaxies. They pushed out weaker races (how many starfarers became extinct is now vague and unknown). They were the perpetrators of countless ecological holocausts much worse than the modern Garth or Deemi incidents, and killed off 80% of all pre-client races on all worlds they inhabited. One race, the Tarseuh, were able to gather Six Races thought to be extinct and defeated the mighty "Lions." They were quickly exterminated, but it took tens of millions of years to restore the ecology of the Five Galaxies.

This time has proved as a warning, and precautions have been taken so that this sort of disaster will never happen again.