Tarseuh-6 Races .Transcendent.

While "The Lions" ruled the starlanes, the Tarseuh sat and waited. The 6 Races were Retired and forgotten by "The Lions". But when the tyranny of "The Lions" became too great, the Tarseuh were able to employ the help of the 6 long-forgotten Races and defeat them.

It is unknown how the Tarseuh were able to arrouse the wrath of a Retired race. Their ways are odd and almost unattainable by those in Galactic Society. The 6 Races must not have been retired long, to be able to return to what they had left long ago, but the power of a Retired race is far beyond even "The Lions."

This was one of the greatest events in Galactic History, and gave rise to many legends, including the great Abdicator creed.