The Soro are one of the most magnificent and powerful races in the Five Galaxies. With some of the greatest military might seen in megayears, the Soro and most other Clan Soro members are jingoistic zealots and will do anything for the glory of their clan. These extremely conservative Senior Patrons carry great political clout as well as having military strength. They are one of the chief enemies of Earthclan in the current conflincts.
Soro are oxygen breathing reptiloids. They have a triple branched spine below the neck with two arms total and one leg for each spine, giving it an odd pentapedal gait. They opperate in a maternal dominant society. The females (called Queens) have multiple bloated abdomens for laying many eggs. In the middle abdomen, the females have mating claws used in bloody courtship rituals. The skulls of Soros have a high-topped cranium with eyes pointing up and forward. Because of this, most Soro prefer to keep their snout down to have maximum forward vision. This predatory look seems to have been brought on after their completed uplift. Their Patrons, the Hul, would never let a Clients' binocular vision be less than perfect. Or much else for that matter. Soro compulsiveness is largely an echo of their Patron's socio-biology. The lower jaw and small chin is crested by long mammalian whiskers. Mating rituals are cannibalistic, with the Queen having to kill the male with her mating claw for the courtship to be succesfull. Most of these matings must occur in the midst of battle, as the smell of blood stimulates the queen's reproductive hormones. Such a violent and seemingly distastefull legacy is one of the reasons why the Soro are so dreaded.
The Soro have a mighty Empire with colonies on hundreds of worlds.
