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> Earthclan is a poor Alliance, mainly because the Humans came into Galactic society without any semblance of a stable interstellar economy. They are sorely behind most other races in up to date technology, prefering their own primitive wolfling "science" over the vast information in the Galactic Library. >Earthclan currently has treaties with the Tymbrimi, Synthians, Kanten, and Thennanin. Most of the religious fanatical clans are openly at war with Earthclan, while the vast majority of moderate clans will deliberate for centuries before deciding on which side to join forces with. This may, however, be too late for either side. >Earthclan has ten legal stellar leaseholds, including colonies on the planets of Omnivarium, Hermes, Calafia, Atlast, Garth, Deemi, Horst, Mars, and Earth, as well as smaller outposts in those systems. There is a newfound sooner colony in restricted territory on Jijo. |