The Tandu are one of the most fearsome and fearless races in millions of years. Belonging to the vicious Inheritor creed, they show unmatched cunning as hunters and almost total disregard for life. Although this has not been a legal problem as of yet, their treatment of the environment on some of their colonies are questionable. The Tandu are responsible for the "accidental" extinction of at least three starfaring races. They are one of the most ruthless enemies of Earthclan, their current main enemy in their ceaseless string of wars.
The Tandu are oxygen breathing arthropods. They have six legs which can all double as efficient tool hands. They are totally carnivorous, and such races are always more aggressive than other trophic types of organisms. The relentless attitude of the Tandu stems from its almost invincible body. The brain is contained in the body, so the heads are trivial organs. If detached, a new head will grow from one of several head buds. This is also true with the legs, which can regrow from partial or even no leg remains at all. Tandu religion and ceremony is filled with ritual limb and head removal. Having no vocal cords in the head, the Tandu communicate with the use of ratcheting speech organs in the first joint of each leg that produce series of clicks and scrapes.
At the time of their discovery, the Tandu had already domesticated some of the more clever animals on their homeworld to help with the hunt. This tradition continues, and the Tandu have proven capable Patrons, no matter how vicious their beliefs are. They are unafraid of psi power, and have snatched up two of the most powerfull new psychic adept Clients in the last few million years (See Episiarch and Acceptor). They are currently under ongoing investigation into the alleged abuse they inflict upon their Clients, not adhering to the basic principles of Uplift, and failure to release a Client from indenture after the appropriate time. Their Clients have turned into little more than biological sensors and weapons, unable to operate without a Tandu present.
The Tandu have hundreds of colonies across the Five Galaxies. More than half of which are military installations.
