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The Tymbrimi take strange company. They are perhaps the closest race to the Earthclan, and have taken great pains to educate and help them for life as whole starfaring people. The Tymbrimi have lost stature because of this alliance and because of their completely coincidental physical resemblance to Humans. In the few frantic years after the discovery of Humans, the Tymbrimi were the prime target for Humanity's lost Patrons because of their similar resemblance.
Empathy is another unusual talent which the Tymbrimi have. Above each ear, the Tymbrimi have prehensile tendrils which are used to form empathy "glyphs." These glyphs can usually only be fully understood or "kenned" by other Tymbrimi, although some humans also have the ability to understand them. A small handfull can also form their own primitive glyphs. Each glyph has its own mental shape and conveys a feeling or idea much better than any Galactic Language. The forming of glyphs is an art form in those races capable of kenning; the Tymbrimi have turned quite a profit with their "Glyph Choirs" (See Juthtath). Another curious aspect of the Tymbrimi is their Galaxy-wide renowned adaptability. The Tymbrimi body has an organ system that produces a special enzyme called "gheer" which can alter the Tymbrimi drastically in a very short time. Such a transformation is called a "gheer transformation." The pictured Tymbrimi with this article is under heavy gheer transformation to appear more human. Many Tymbrimi diplomats use this ability to get closer to some of the more xenophobic races. Such a sudden and massive transformation of the entire body has one major drawback. Within minutes of a gheer flux, the Tymbrimi suffers from massive fatigue and may even enter a comatose state to replenish the body after so much energy was used by the gheer transformation. However, gheer transformations are permanent until consciously reversed with another transformation. The Tymbrimi have many colonies; the most important being their homeworld Tymbrim, Juthtath, and their university world Cathrhennlin. |