The Garthling is another surprise originating from Earth. Originally called "Gorilla," the Garthlings played a great part in the Garth incident, they became the first pre-sentient race to Choose to be Uplifted in quite a long time.
Garthlings are 1st level Clients of the Thennanin with Neo-Chimpanzees and Humans as joint stage consorts. This decision displays an amount of intelligence advanced for a 1st stage Client. Chims and Humans are extremely close relatives, sharing more than 95% of their genetic structure. Garthlings seem to be able to grasp this concept and are now able to continue their ties with their cousins. By choosing the Thennanin as Patrons, they sealed an alliance between Earthclan and the powerfull Thennanin. They must also have known how much trouble Earth was in to make this great a decision. It is unknown to what allegiance they will follow once they grow older as a race.
Garthlings are oxygen breathing mammals. They are able to walk upright on two legs, but prefer to "knuckle walk" with the aid of their hands. They are also strict herbivores. Garthlings look much like large versions of their closest cousins the Neo-Chimpanzees.
In the few short generations of illicit Uplift at the hands of Earthclan rebels on Garth, they have gained a primitive sign langage and the ability to walk on their hind legs more easily. It is unknown how the Thennanin will alter them further.
Garthlings have a leasehold in the Mulun Mountain range of Garth for 50,000 years.
