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Fen have had forty generations of Uplift improvements. Their lungs have been altered to be able to breath "oxy-water," water infused with raw oxygen. Fen find it uncomfortable, and tend to have claustrophobic nightmares when sleeping while breathing oxy-water. The brain has been enlarged and the two cerebral halves have been conjoined more than in their unaltered ancestors. A larynx-like organ has been introduced right below the blowhole so as to allow the ability to speak a dialect of underwater Anglic. The tips of the pectoral fins have two small nubs, which will eventually become fingers and hands. To encourage genetic diversity among the species, genetic grafts from the Tursiops' cousin Stenos bredanensis. The so-called "stenos" have benefited from increased strength, lung capacity, and endurance. This divergence in the species has led to the Wolfling practice of intraspecies "racism." (See especially Streaker Dilemma). This hostility has caused the Human Uplift Board to seriously consider eliminating the Stenos gene grafts. The fen worldview is called the Whale Dream, it is the Dolphin race memory that goes back to their animal ancestors. It is a sort of collective unconsciousness that calls to all fen. Most of the Galaxies believe this silly, and think Humans should root out this idea in their Clients. The Humans, however, find a certain charm in the Whale Dream, and permit it to stay. The Neo-Dolphin language Trinary is also odd by Galactic standards. It uses three-level logic and rhythm to convey more of a feeling than usefull information. The entire language is rooted in ambiguity and context, as well as the Anglic concepts of "metaphor" and "simile," and is terribly unreliable for the statements of fact and reason. For this reason, when needing to concentrate on cause-effect logic, most fen use a dialect of Anglic. Fen can pay for intoxicants by singing Trinary Haiku in bars on a hundred worlds. The animal language of the Tursiops truncatus is called Primal Delphin and its use is discouraged. It is even more obscure than Trinary, and its use is considered vulgar and rude. Speaking in Primal is many times the first sign of atavism in fen, this is especially common in times of great stress. Neo-Dolphins have in a short time become renowned as pilots, due to their natural ability to maneuver in a three dimensional space (water). This is commonly held to be the main reason why the Streaker has been able to evade the wrath of armadas from a thousand races. Neo-Dolphins live on all Earthclan colony worlds except for Garth, whose oceans are poisonous to fen. |