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The feral Gubru existed in a sexual hierarchy, with most bieng neuter drones. Only a few high ranking animals ever achieved sexuality. With the onset of Uplift, the Gooksyu used this natural system in tandem with intelligence for their Clients. All Gubru would now be born neuters, but with the introduction of outside hormones, they could achieve sezual princedom or queendom. Thus the Suzerain system began. Three leaders are chosen from each of the major governmental departments- one from Beam and Talon (military), one from Propriety (religious), and one from Cost and Caution (bureaucracy). These three debate policy and the others' ideas as they vie for superior governing policy and consensus, which eventually leads to the highly ritualized Molt. When the Molt is complete, the Suzerain displaying sperior skills and negotiating prowess molts red feathers and becomes a dominant female queen. The other two molt princely male colors- one blue and one yellow. Gubru are always in absolute accordance to all Galactic laws, especially the concepts of parole and neutrality in war. They do, however, balance precariously many times on the edge of illegality. The clan has not been cited with many severe breaches of Galactic Tradition, as the have merely followed their own interpretation of those laws (as you know, the freedom for a race to decide its own policies and act within respectable limits is one of the greatest signs of maturity). Gubru have no love for ecology and the burden that comes with it; the clan was severely reprimanded for its handling of the ecology of Garth during its short occupation. They are still legally in debt for that particular fiasco, but whether they will actually pay the fines owed to both Earthclan and galactic Society as a whole, or whether they are able (as they have done frequently in the past) to find a way either out of or around the debt, remains to be seen. |