The Pila are part of the great Soro clan, and serve their Patrons zealously. Pil consider their Patrons to be the Soro, even though they were originally uplifted by the Kisa. Long before their indenture was up, they claimed abuse at the hands of their Patrons and appealed to the Soro for a Jihad. The Kisa would not fight their Clients, and gave up their claim on the Pilan race. The Pil then voluntarily became Clients of the Soro, but never again returned to indenture. For this reason, many Soro consider Pil only half-finsihed.
Pila are oxygen breathing biped mammalians from a high-gravity world. Because of this, they are somewhat short- about 2.5 feet high. They have a fringe of cilia constantly waving about the eyes. For communication, Pila use ultrasonic frequencies to speak. When they can be heard by Human ears, they speak in high sharp voices at the absolute top of the audible scale.
Pila are primarily multi-purpose servents for the Soro, but many have also found auspicious jobs at the Galactic Library.
